Introducing the PLS KIT, the ultimate solution
for academic success!
At Study Page, we understand the fears and desires that both parents and teens have when it comes to education. Teens crave autonomy and the opportunity to prove their capabilities to themselves and their parents, while parents want assurance that their teens won't struggle through the challenges of academics. We recognize that this journey can often become overwhelming, leading to a household of nightmares. However, there is hope, as we have developed a solution to address the common areas where students face difficulties.

The kit includes 5 solutions for the 5 areas teens struggle...
Homework Binder: Our unique homework binder helps students effectively organize their assignments, ensuring they never miss deadlines or lose track of important tasks.
My Time Calendar: Time management is a crucial skill for success, and our mind time calendar empowers students to manage their schedules efficiently, allowing them to balance their academic and personal commitments effectively.
Study Skills Notebook: Learning how to study effectively is key to achieving academic goals. Our study notes notebook provides students with proven strategies to maximize their learning potential and retain information efficiently.
Test-Taking Power Notebook: Understanding one's test-taking style is essential for exam success. Our power notebook assesses a student's individual test-taking approach and offers valuable insights and techniques to enhance their performance.
Stash and Study Books: The final element of our PLS, the stash and study books, equips students with tools to organize their work and prepare thoroughly for final exams. These resources consolidate their learning, ensuring they have a solid foundation for success.
These lessons are with a tutor of your choice
NOT the Anti-tutor

In 3 weeks,
we will
the way your
teen learns!
We understand that forming new habits takes time, which is why every PLS Kit comes with three one-hour lessons spread over three weeks, allowing your teen to undergo a transformative learning experience. Invest in the PLS Kit today and witness a positive shift in your teen's approach to learning!
To learn more, schedule a consultation today!
"All students can LEARN,
they just have to
KNOW their learning language." - The Anti-Tutor

Our comprehensive PLS is delivered through three rounds of interactive sessions with our dedicated study skill specialists. These experts motivate and inspire teens, guiding them to acquire the life skills necessary for academic triumph. With Study Page, families finally have the bridge they need to help parents and students achieve their goals together. Parents can reclaim their role as supporters instead of being burdened as the "homework managers," and students will experience the advantages of taking control of their own future.
Learning with Study Page is simple and effective, allowing families to rediscover the joy of being a family.
With additional hours we can work in any gaps or educational needs for the summer or school year. Each lesson is personalized to each sutdent's needs and hours can be broken up to 30 minute, 45 minutes, or 90 minute lessons.