About Us
Get to know our philosophy and services to see why we are the best choice for you!

Esmeralda Archer is an advocate of the learning process and a disruptor of traditional education. She has worked on this concept for the past 7 years with 20 years of teaching behind her. Hundreds of students across the country have used her services and are enjoying the freedoms of self-directed education as attendees of renowned universities such as Harvard, Stanford, UCLA, USC, and Michigan to name a few. Her process is simple yet effective, giving students the ability to actively take control of their paths to success.
She started teaching at Los Angeles Pierce College and quickly realized that struggling students were not having issues due to challenging material, but were failing because they did not know how to study. Archer then designed and led several study skills seminars at Pierce and ran a program at the college learning center dedicated to helping students learn how to learn.
After several years at LAPC, she branched out into the community and for the past 15 years has been helping students of all ages discover their own paths to success.
Our Team
At StudyPage all our staff has been trained to help our students reach their academic potential. Each tutor brings to the table their own knack for helping students thrive.
We specialize the entire academic journey:
Math Skills
Middle school
Making the most of Middle School
Study Skills: test taking, organization, time management
High School
Hacking High School
College Applications
Career Counseling
Course Selection
Transfer Application
Computer Skills
Resume Writing
StudyPage is dedicated to helping students in all level grades take control of their academics. Whether it is learning how to read or conquering the next AP Calculus exam, StudyPage offers long-lasting solutions to all academic challenges.
Focusing on learning differences and aiding students who are in the "grey area" of education, it is our mission to help all types of learners find a path to academic success. To learn more about our philosophy,
StudyPage is open all year round.
We can come to you or we can meet at one of our many locations.
Hours differ at each location. Text 818-585-1833 for more information.
How do I sign up ?Book a 1 hour consultation and let's figure out a gameplan that is perfect for your needs.
What days are you open?Homework Club is open Monday - Thursday from 3:30- 9:30 pm at our Tarzana location. Our SAT/ACT Boot Camps are held on Sundays: 1:00-3:00 pm in Westlake and 4:00-6:00 pm in Tarzana. One-on-one tutoring sessions can be scheduled any day of the week using our Book Appointment app and choosing a time slot that works for you!
What are your rates?Our pricing is extremely flexible and all packages are customizable to fit your needs. The best course of action is to book a consultation so that we can assess what works best for you. Click here for a link to our pricelist.
What subjects do you tutor?We tutor in all levels of Mathematics, Language Arts, History, Science and Foreign Languages. For a full list of our subjects, click here.
How do I become a tutor?Contact us at studypage818@gmail.com and send us your resume!
What ages do you tutor?We tutor all ages from elementary age students through college.
How do I contact you?You can contact book a free 30 minute phone call with me through the Book an Appointment button at the top of the website. You may also reach out via our e-mail: studypage818@gmail.com.
Where are you located?Our main tutoring center is located at 19639 Ventura Blvd.Tarzana, CA 91356. We also offer tutoring at Hub101 located at 31416 Agoura Rd #105c, Westlake Village, CA 91361. If these locations do not work for you, we can arrange at home tutoring.
What is anti-tutoring?It is the Anti-Tutor’s belief that with the right tools anything can be learned. Her program is designed to help students find their strengths, master studying, test taking, time management, organization, and homework. The process of anti-tutoring revolutionizes the learning process for students showing them that there is hope for all types of learners to achieve academic success. We know we are making progress when our student's don't need us anymore!
How is StudyPage different than other traditional tutoring centers?Our goal is to empower your child to NOT need tutors instead of creating a type of student that is reliant upon us to study, learn and finish their homework. We know we have done our job when our students don't need us anymore!
How do I motivate my child to be interested in doing well in school?It is important to acknowledge how a student is feeling about school and their homework. It is crucial to connect and demonstrate understanding of this to build trust between each other about finding success academically. Most students do not want to learn study skills, because they believe it means working even harder than they already are, when in fact it allows them to work smarter, not harder and much more efficiently. Emphasize that they will achieve better grades in less time, which translates into both more success and more free time.
Do you work with my child's school and teachers?Yes. The Anti-Tutor can schedule a time that works with your schedule to come into your child's school and meet with their teachers so that we can all work together to determine the best path toward success for your child.